Welcome to Vacation Frequency

What is Vacation Frequency?

Twin Falls Maui Hike

Welcome to Vacation Frequency! My name is Rob and I’d like to thank you for visiting my site. It’s a pleasure to have you here. This is a blog on all things related to travel. I created this blog to share my experiences in all things travel. I feel that it’s important to get out of one’s comfort zone and explore the world. Explore by traveling, experiencing new scenery from your neck of the woods and beyond. This includes trying delicious cuisine from all over making the most of the sensory experience. Sight, smell, taste, touch and sound, the  senses we use in the enjoyment of new experiences. What living is truly all about. All thing Travel and Food – Live, Love, Travel and Eat! Vacationing vibes frequently, that’s Vacation Frequency!

This blog will evolve over time so let’s embark on this journey together. I’ll be sharing photos, videos and reviews on my travel. Vacation Frequency is all about traveling frequently while loving life and enjoying fine cuisine. 

If you have any ideas or travel tips to share please drop a comment below. Also feel free to reach out to me via the contact page if you would like your brand featured on the site.



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